How to know if the Divorce Resolution Method is right for you
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How to know if the Divorce Resolution Method is right for you

Divorce is not an easy process for any couple but finding ways to move toward a civil resolution is possible. For those separated spouses who want to prioritize communication and effective solutions, there is an alternative to litigation and court proceedings.

The Divorce Resolution Method (DRM) can be a better option for some divorcing couples, but how do you know if it is right for you?

You want to move forward quickly

If both you and your spouse want to expedite the divorce process, the Divorce Resolution Method may suit your needs. In relatively straightforward divorces, resolutions are possible in as little as four meeting sessions.

You want to save money and avoid court fees

You save money by avoiding litigation and forgoing court appearances. Because the DRM process is often quicker than traditional divorce proceedings, you may also be able to pay less in attorney fees.

You are ready to communicate and compromise

A key component of success is open, honest and respectful communication. Especially contemptuous couples will find it difficult to come to an agreement during DRM sessions and will likely end up in court. If you and your spouse are capable of communicating your needs and wishes and conceding when necessary, you may find this method successful.

You are open to assistance and suggestions

There will probably be third-party experts weighing in on the specifics of your case. Appraisers, child custody evaluators and vocational experts may provide their professional opinion and offer suggestions.

Remember that everyone involved shares the common goal of a peaceful resolution.


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