Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP FindLaw IM Template 2022-04-18T13:30:06Z https://www.fmb.law/feed/atom/ WordPress /wp-content/uploads/sites/1600465/2020/06/cropped-FMB-fav-icon-32x32.png On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[How can you manage your children’s stress during a divorce?]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47450 2022-04-18T13:30:06Z 2022-04-18T13:30:06Z Avoid conflict According to Psychology Today, fights and disagreements between you and your ex-spouse that take place in front of your children can leave them feeling nervous. Although you both may live in separate households, modeling good behavior and avoiding any additional tension will help your children relax as time goes on. Some children may blame themselves for causing the divorce, which can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. One way to combat this is to reassure them that they did not contribute to the divorce.

Add in fun activities

Whether your children love to play outside or enjoy spending time with friends, taking time to set up activities they love can help them. Having a positive outlet for their energy and the ability to focus on relaxing and having fun is important. Scheduling a day out with just the two of you can also be a joyful memory for you both.

Stay open to questions

Letting children process their emotions in a healthy way by allowing and encouraging them to ask questions is one way to reduce stress. While some children may react with anger, others may express sadness or withdraw from social activity. Understanding the variety of reactions children may have to an upcoming divorce can help you manage their stress.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[Should you document your divorce on TikTok?]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47447 2022-04-02T14:31:17Z 2022-04-02T14:31:17Z Trashing your ex Your ex may be extremely toxic, and you may wish to share your experiences as a cathartic exercise for yourself or as an educational warning to others. However, your words can severely impact your divorce negotiations if the court determines your words and actions to be vindictive or hostile.


Separating from an unhappy situation can feel liberating, and you may feel the desire to find yourself again. However, sharing photos of your new car or that weekend away with your friends while trying to convince a judge that you require spousal support can appear insincere and manipulative. Despite who follows you on social media or how secure your accounts seem to be, your ex’s lawyers will seek evidence of impropriety and use it against you.

Showing off your new partner

There is nothing wrong with moving on after ending a marriage, and because some divorces can take years to finalize, it is feasible that spouses may start new relationships during the process. Nevertheless, parading your new partner on social media opens the door for inquiries about your parental fitness and support needs. While you have a right to say whatever you want in your TikTok stories, doing so may make your divorce more difficult than it should be and leave you with less than you deserve.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[Different ways to pay child support in California]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47444 2022-03-29T11:26:12Z 2022-03-29T11:26:12Z Income withholding and child support payments California's Child Support Services states that if a parent who owes child support is employed, his or her employer has to take child support payments out of their check. There is a record of payments made via income withholding, offering security for non-custodial parents if a dispute arises, and this method is very convenient for many parents.

Other child support payment methods

Sometimes, parents cannot pay child support through income withholding, such as those who do not have a job or make a living through self-employment. In California, parents can make payments online using a credit card, debit card, bank account or PayPal account. In addition, you can mail a money order or check to the state, or you can pay in person at approved locations around the state. If you struggle to pay support, make sure you immediately examine options you have. For example, you could have the opportunity to modify your child support order if your financial situation has changed significantly.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[License suspension due to unpaid child support]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47441 2022-03-23T18:23:49Z 2022-03-23T18:23:49Z License suspension after missing child support payments California's Child Support Services reports that parents who fail to pay child support could lose their driver's license, professional license, hunting license and/or fishing license. Licensing agencies in this state receive a notification after a parent fails to make payments for over 30 days, and parents have 150 days to respond before the agency suspends their license (if it is the first time this has happened). Parents who have previously found themselves in this position have to respond in 30 days.

Addressing license suspension over unpaid support

License suspension can affect your life in many ways, preventing you from taking care of important responsibilities and interfering with your ability to enjoy your hobbies. After receiving a notice from the Department of Motor Vehicles or a state licensing agency, you should reach out to the child support agency in charge of your case and discuss how you can have your license(s) reinstated. Each child support case is unique, so the process of restoring these privileges varies from one parent to the next.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[How can you deal with a high-conflict divorce?]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47438 2022-03-07T21:12:44Z 2022-03-07T21:12:44Z Notice your own reactions According to Psychology Today, your level of anger and frustration may take you by surprise when you first begin to talk seriously with your ex-spouse during a divorce. You may not be able to hold back your intense emotions, which can lead to worse arguments. Being able to find your calm makes you more likely to have useful discussions about important topics like childcare and asset division. Doing breathing exercises or taking a break during intense conversations may help.

Find time to unwind

Dealing with stressful conversations and legal issues can make you more on edge and more likely to start fights. In order to combat this, you may want to find a hobby or skill to learn in your free time that can help you relax. Whether it is exercising or planting flowers, whatever you choose to do can leave you feeling refreshed. This can help you approach each discussion with your ex-spouse with a clear mind and less stress.

Talk to those around you

Visiting and talking with family and friends can help you through this tough time. Relying on your social connections outside of your marriage allows you to discuss your problems and gain perspective. It can also allow you to enjoy time away from the stress of divorce as the process continues. Dealing with a high-conflict divorce may seem hard at first, but following a few steps can greatly help you.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[How can parental alienation harm you?]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47435 2022-02-23T22:21:20Z 2022-02-23T22:21:20Z Broken bond According to Psychology Today, one major issue that can happen after a divorce is that children stop talking to one of their parents. An alienating co-parent may tell children lies and inappropriate details about the divorce or your personal life. This kind of oversharing can leave children feeling nervous and overwhelmed, which often leads to fewer personal bonding moments between you and them.

Increased fighting

If a child feels alienated from one parent and believes the worst about him or her, then the child may continually fight and cause trouble. You may notice your children misbehaving more frequently and ignoring your attempts at discipline. This often happens when your ex-spouse speaks badly of you and attempts to guilt your children into only siding with him or her. Your co-parent may discourage them from talking positively about you or saying they enjoyed spending time alone with you.

Weakened communication

In extreme cases, your co-parent may try to block your children from communicating with you through emails or texts. Heavy censoring and restricted time on digital devices may mean your children cannot talk to you as often when they are away. Noticing how parental alienation hurts you can help you decide what to do next if you want to take steps to end it.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[How to know if the Divorce Resolution Method is right for you]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47427 2022-02-10T18:24:29Z 2022-02-10T18:24:29Z better option for some divorcing couples, but how do you know if it is right for you?

You want to move forward quickly

If both you and your spouse want to expedite the divorce process, the Divorce Resolution Method may suit your needs. In relatively straightforward divorces, resolutions are possible in as little as four meeting sessions.

You want to save money and avoid court fees

You save money by avoiding litigation and forgoing court appearances. Because the DRM process is often quicker than traditional divorce proceedings, you may also be able to pay less in attorney fees.

You are ready to communicate and compromise

A key component of success is open, honest and respectful communication. Especially contemptuous couples will find it difficult to come to an agreement during DRM sessions and will likely end up in court. If you and your spouse are capable of communicating your needs and wishes and conceding when necessary, you may find this method successful.

You are open to assistance and suggestions

There will probably be third-party experts weighing in on the specifics of your case. Appraisers, child custody evaluators and vocational experts may provide their professional opinion and offer suggestions. Remember that everyone involved shares the common goal of a peaceful resolution.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[Strategies to remember when dealing with a tough co-parent]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47424 2022-02-10T15:09:58Z 2022-02-10T15:09:58Z Learn to find your calm According to Psychology Today, your first instinct when dealing with a stressful conversation may be to yell back at your co-parent or escalate the argument. Learning to breathe deeply and center yourself before responding can help you to let go of the excess emotion and focus on the facts. This response can help you to avoid getting drawn into pointless arguments before they even start, which can help your communication improve.

Set clear boundaries

If you find your co-parent ignoring the schedule you both set or constantly trying to contact you, you may not know how to react. Being clear and direct about when he or she can talk to you is one way to strengthen your boundaries and feel confident. Staying firm and not backing down when your co-parent tries to intimidate is another way to accomplish this. Learning to ignore his or her insults and attempts to start a fight can help you to stay focused on child custody topics only.

Communicate formally

Typing out important messages in a text or an email may help you communicate in a direct and formal way since you can control and edit your tone and the content of the message. This also leaves you a written copy of what you both say, in case you need to reference it later on. Knowing these strategies can help you and your co-parent work better together as a team.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[Will you get spousal support?]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47398 2022-01-26T20:26:31Z 2022-01-26T20:26:31Z Length of relationship The length of your marriage is one reigning factor that courts will assess in regard to alimony. According to the California Courts, the length of your marriage may not only influence whether or not you receive alimony, but also the duration of payments. Often, if your relationship exceeded 10 years, the courts may not issue an expiration or end date for alimony payments. However, sometimes there are exceptions to these rules, particularly if you have notable earning potential or your ex faces financial hardship.

Earning capacity

Your earning capacity will also influence alimony decisions. The courts will look closely at your role in the marriage and whether or not you currently have a job. Factors including your standard of living, your education level and your ability to reasonably afford your living expenses will all help determine your need for additional financial support. If the courts recommend spousal support, work your budget around payments. Never rely on alimony to meet your financial obligations. If your ex is unable to make payments or ignores the court order, you can file a motion in court alleging contempt. An attorney can help you describe your need for consistent support to hopefully change the outcome and hold your ex responsible for delinquent payments.]]>
On Behalf of Feuerstein, Murphy & Beals, LLP <![CDATA[How does paternity testing work?]]> https://www.fmb.law/?p=47393 2022-01-13T03:34:15Z 2022-01-13T03:34:15Z A simple cheek swab According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are two equally reliable ways to perform paternity testing. With the first, a simple cheek swab, the mother, father and child rub a cotton swab on the inside of their cheeks. This painless swab pics up skin cells that have DNA in them.

A more-invasive blood draw

It is also possible to use a blood draw to determine paternity. If you opt for a blood draw, a phlebotomist uses a needle to remove a small blood sample from a vein in your arm. This blood, of course, has DNA in it.

DNA sequencing

Whether your sample comes from a swab or a blood draw, paternity testing unfolds in the same way. Specifically, technicians at a lab use DNA sequencing to find matches between the alleged father's DNA and the child's. If the matches are not present, the alleged father is not the biological one. If there is a match, though, the odds of paternity are well over 99.99%. Ultimately, because of the accuracy of modern DNA testing, submitting to a test is the most effective way both to confirm and to disprove paternity.]]>